every time i hear a poetess cite this subject i never think of Sappho, but i ought to, these are poetesses that really want the hetero realm to remain intact - it's heart-breaking to hear a woman say these words - you end up being the third party transformed into the second party and she the Echo to your momentarily engaged with Narcissus - the third party makes the frank gesture to compensate the open heart of the poetess... o.k., let's funk the **** like mimes touching invisible doors... an overly stimulated society in terms of *** when there are apparently too many people, or the evolutionary zenith fro category mammal to category insect is backfiring on us individually - and as science fiction predicted, we are telepathically ******* each other senseless, just like the aliens we've become on this planet, momentarily sober when an earthquake, a tsunami... a terrorist attack... otherwise there's been no attempt to for the military to become active dispersing a tsunami with bombs (Better Bombing Syria), or harnessing lightning (some sort of incubator magnet) - well, i have seen a girl get spat on in the face... you think i considered my mother being diagnosed as o.c.d. with help of specialists? i just get the feel for the place - not out of spite... the cats haven't had their nails clipped for a month... they're not petrified by the vacuum cleaner every day... they've become sort of abstract animate art... when the male castrato sings an opera before bedtime i become a nervous wreck... the beauty of the silence during the day, pretends to be a dog barking at night left out in the garden... even though he's inside on the windowsill in the toilet, and i'm on my windowsill in the bedroom smoking a cigarette.*
this poem just makes me think one thing: so what's the problem with female genital mutilation if *** is nothing more than a conversation between a mantis and her mate rather than Zeus and Hera? that's what it sounds like - ****'s sake - i'm not that into Robert Frost and Simon & Garfunkel to match-up a counter argument for a need to talk in bed - my grandparents slept like French kings - each to his own separate beds - one went to the other for the jelly-bean babies - and when did the unrestrained Oedipus complex become a debate on mortgages with that famous: still living with his mum - economics - not psychology - the popularity of some theory always ends up some macabre populist interpretation by the better off, marginalisation of realism - oh, here comes Sartre - you should ask him... still living with my father - and because of this i've made kangaroo jumps - the atmosphere in the house is... serene... the only female presence is a cat - (she's away tending to her mother, another month to glee in bliss) - the house is cleaned only once a week, the food is made, i just learned she could very well be diagnosed with o.c.d. - does this look like Norman Bates scenario to you? let me tell you, a woman with o.c.d. can be worse than a woman with h.i.v. - obviously i'm exaggerating - i allow my father conversation about Irish fascists on construction sites (foremen) - Irish fascists... Irish fascists... leprechaun fascists... LEPRECHAUN FASCISTS! she just tells him to keep it on the building site - i'm more supportive of my end as homeless in a forest than in a cosy home with a woman.