as i learned the hard way... it soon becomes a one-man party - the moon just passed its fullness, the stars are out, it's a respectable 18°C outside, in the cool - the way being your own D.J. defines you... missing the adverts on radio... i listen to the radio for 30 minutes when i wake to tell me why i started to collect my own music collection... it's pretty simple... all the **** i own stashed i would't have heard on the radio... makes sense... and not being a thief makes your heart become astounded by the choice - boogie on the windowsill - or the Berserkers' roar when Pendulum's Tarantula came on at a Basildon nightclub - you **** out the mental with grooves - dance monkey dance - literature helps with that antagonism of first person eyesight - enter puppeteer - out of body experience you might add - but this is a Friday night - and i just chose the black keys' lonely boy to come on - boogie-woogie 50's style on the windowsill; if you want to know the secret to just jovial attuning... psst! hushed voice saying the words: we talked too much. me?! i was perfecting my body language, esp. in times such as these - when the groove comes, the grump hunch ***** off - or as said: apathy breeds no pathology - apathy, the emotional answer to atheism - i.e. no theistic engagement with deities - but more importantly with psychological zoology - give apathy a tenure of acceptance, forget treating apathetic calm with an attack on theology with theism... give apathy the calm, not the nihilism, like someone sitting next to you on a train during rush-hour... give it time... just a little... after the allocated time, your apathy will to loving, even the atomised you - no forget crucifying yourself as a show of repentance for calling gentile women slags - he really was a foul mouth prior to Golgotha - the thing that spoke with Moses was a joker... this was pure choke-hot-poker-tongue-whizz-kid of abusive comments - just read the **** thing - some would argue these days that climbing Mt. Everest is more applaud worthy than surviving a pseudo-crucifixion (first attempt success in 1953) - given the depiction was that he was crucified without the nails entering and crushing the wrists but the palms... Filipino fakes - nail the wrists... come on... nail the wrists in! no surprise he survived - still... climbing Mt. Everest... first time it was achieved was 1953... surviving a crucifixion ain't that spectacular; currently? a one man party boogie dancing on the windowsill.