All of this debate going on Cops shooting black men Mass shooting at a gay club It is all the same, it is killing I must say this before I start I apologize for any language But this is all a load of ******* And it honestly has to stop When a white man kills a white man There is no publicity in the ordeal When a black man kills a black man There is still no debate going on But people are dying in these situations Someone's family member or close friend Gone, taken away from their life Then a cop shoots a white man And there's a little discussion on it But a cop shoots a black man And there are riots, marches, but why All lives should matter in this world The declaration says all men are equal So no life is greater than anyone else's White, Black, Mexican, Asian, Middle Eastern Straight, gay, lesbian, transgender, ect. It is all equal to one another, it's 2016 Stop the killing and keep peace and equality