but never was it mentioned that the title Satan be given a seal, a role of defender, except with the 72 names - as stated: השׁטן - see! no geometric sensibility! hence the defender of tetragrammatical sensibility, beyond the Pythagorean quasi-trinity, and only one part of the hexagon of David... the 20th century searched for so long for a penta-grammaton it lost it ahead of searching for it... no five letters were suited to put coinage for the task ahead... the apparent enemy soon became the defender of what so many thought to inquire about, but were given the elocution treatment sooner than any metric unit of ego via id-slicing became apparent to reveal the spiral against the ladder of ascent; the spiral of meditative nonchalance and idiotic self-esteem preserving continuum.*
as a book riddled with metaphors that the book of Genesis is, you'd expect the fruit of knowledge between good & evil to be something more than merely ******* and *******, or Dobberman Pischner's ears - given Rottweiler's aesthetic revision of the tail; but it isn't - it's just that - a Prince of Egypt would only write a polite book to match the circumstance of insurrection - and only that - but given pornographic matching this modern libido has to over-**** and become under-warring, you can cease using the techniques of a banished art-form, and thus stop calling it a fruit of knowledge as in metaphor, and by crude tongue say what it is... only metaphors require translation in poetry without a secondary tongue - and with the internet we bypassed the censors and the editors, and the authorities of what could or ought bring profit... they really do under-estimate what is non-profitable but necessary for the palette, in literary terms some ditto as "truth" (oh, there it is), but in culinary terms: salt & pepper.