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in my middle life, more than ever, I need a once upon a time.
I forget how easy it is to forget—can’t imagine starting
Anything new. I used to love the satisfying finality
At the conclusion of movies when a giant The End
Flashed across the Big Screen. Maybe one solution:
We could all change our names every day.
A verse from
"Coventry Lake"
by Bruce Cohen
before I knew why,
before Bruce explained it all,
wink! wink!
change my name quite often
way past the middle years,
can't remember what I forgot,
so a new poem looks sorta maybe
**** familiar, another guy's guise
maybe, can't be truly sure,
but the grasp of time upon my croaking,
gasping voice box, youthful insistent,
give it another parting shot!
I still need a once upon a time
e v e r y d a y
rap you a rhyme friend,
crank it out, one more a time,
before hitting the Dead End sign,
gonna sweat one more script from
the po-ahem pores
do it so
it will be your call,
when shouting out,
it's a wrap
when you complete,
and Declaration signature swirl
an emboldened name,
whichever, no matter
you need
a once more upon time
to indelible a full throated,
It's mine going out, writing out loud
The End!