Apocalyptic departure A comical catastrophe. Separated from reality By a mere apostrophe.
Two breaths left, One was for saying good-bye. But the vapour hugged his throat Breaths wasted on a deaf layby.
Gone. Just so. Parallels do not meet after all. Yet he'd break mensuration A tangent beside her, tall.
Mayhap it would suit needs Had stitches not sealed his tongue To speak of fruits forbidden, but Ladders of memory, often have broken rungs.
Bah! What use is the eye Without beholding her? What of the ear? Without another conversation.. The nose? Without soap soaked skin. The flesh? When tips of his fingers grasp air The tongue too.. When all it has tasted is a delightful future.
Cool breeze riding, Name personified,
Whirl, skirt and soar He waits for her to come home.