You said to me Stand strong and firm And by mast you would Set sail. Stay and sate Our love would prevail The rampant hunger That swells The tide and draws The moon Baited and starved Into the night
Yet here I am Alone at sea With only the breeze For company. A seagulls song And the sound of calamity Lapping and slapping At my ego.
Like bounty Lost And found In darkness and depth And heaving chests With rusty locks And ghosts Stirred and stricken
I cry silent and taken by the deep I am green with envy that you might want me.
I am left to the birds Stark at my post And sailing single In this boat built for two I need you To want me Navigate and steer And plot the course Of my flesh Saline sweat and brackish Brine.
I am not a **** Cast upon shore A ***** to the Land-walker No more.
I am ballast And tempest Uproar.
Downwind I wait for your Scent/ The descent Of your body in mine.
I have time And rhyme And sailors song To while the time In which I long And sailing alone You will find me Your boy lost at sea