you need not be looking / looked upon so aloft with the music, of course it's dramatic settling the heart to a frenzy - less happily endorsed feet dancing, alt. Jews in Europe rather than Muslims in a similar state of geographic - they call all appreciators of classical music fascists these days, it doesn't matter.... what matters is that the heart once danced, and the feet were wheelchair bound - but now the heart is wheelchair bound, crippled... and the feet dance, indeed, a dance of fiddled thumbs of a confused coliseum spectacle awaiting Caesar's nod.
~48 hours away from seeing *Nabucco at the Royal Opera House; i better get drunk before the opera, so that i might cry at the chorus of the Hebrew slaves - gold-digger of tears at my christening; that old hummingbird; take a Scotch pouch of whiskey into the toilet for a one-two impromptu and a nutmeg past the goalkeeper - whatever high European culture professes, the countryside alliance will always make peasants of us all.