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Jul 2016
Left, right, left,right, we stand to fight, marching on, burden strong, heading on into the night. Waving flags, can we be saved, ravished human beings that we face, what side is right, where is the moral compass, is it for freedom or is it more than that, I don't know so I keep on trudging on into unknown space. Make your strategy, stand your ground, making rounds, shattered hearts, prepare for missiles for they are inbound. Detonate, hesitate, is this really necessary, will this war every end, at this moment things are looking scary. Remember your drills cadets for this is real life now, no time for rest or sleep, just keep on going and wipe off the sweat from your brow. War hinders on the belief that we must extinguish this threat before it takes us out, once your in you can't get out. Battlefields, mind games, will we be the same, will i be able to live with myself because i'm not sure if this is even humane. Pulling me in like a maelstrom, some don't even have a choice, they are forced to defend their country, so that when it's over we can hopefully come back and rejoice. Just keep going left, left, left, right, left, so nervous that I am strained and think my throat is in my chest, I am so bewildered and i'm not thinking straight because I am just so stressed. Keep going soldier, that what they say, that's what they have instilled into my brain, because if we win we'll have everything to gain.
Classy J
Written by
Classy J  22/M/Medicine Hat
(22/M/Medicine Hat)   
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