when it comes to showing you how much you mean to me i am hardly transcendent but i can promise you that it's oodles more than you think i don't always show gratitude for the things you do for me but i always appreciate them a lot of people use the cliche "I couldn't imagine my life without you" but don't mean it the way i do because really i can't imagine my life without you fifteen years of friendship from kindergarten till college i can't imagine getting so easily annoyed at anyone else over something stupid and small but never going too long without making peace i can't imagine going through life with anybody other than you nobody else is as synchronized with me yet also the total opposite of me nobody else shares life's many frustrations and joys as much as i have with you Proverbs 18:24 says "One who has unreliable friends soon comes to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother." so thank you for being that friend for keeping me together so i don't come to ruin for becoming part of my family and welcoming me into yours i can't imagine my life without you.