I speak for thee.
I sing for thee
I scream for thee.
I am the talk of the town, the chatter of maidens
The booming of laborers, the joy of the youth.
All the voices of Man are the voices of Me. I speak for Thee
In Me, there exists all things, and in all things, exists Me.
I am the love that burns in all human, the
Desire to meet, to mark, to mate, it so primordial.
I write the songs of love, of friendship, of ardor. I sing for Thee
In Me, there exists all things, and in all things, exists me
I am the heart beating red, radiant, and real,
The pulse of a nation, the beating of the war-drum
Inflicts a beating upon Me. I scream for Thee.
In Me, there exists all things, and in all things, exists Me.
I want to see less of You, and more of Me,
And this is why I speak to Thee.