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Jul 2016
I just want to cry
But I am numb
I saw a child die before my eyes
I see her wither in her last breaths
This is not the way you should die
With that machine attached to your throat
Arms tied down
Being suctioned
And being forced to take your last breath
No Ouma
You are a proud woman
A woman who always tries to look her best
A scent of Mint and roses
And sweet cakes
My Ouma
Clothes that smell like washing powder
But that unique kind that you always remember
I love you
I never knew how much I did
Until now
I never imagined life without you
And I do not wish to
My Ouma
Please don't go
He loves you so much
He never left your side
You are his 'girl' he says
As you lie there in the hospital bed
He can not live without you Ouma
You have no idea how much you mean to us
My Ouma
Ek is so baie lief vir jou
My Ouma
Moenie gaan nie
My Ouma
Van Mint And Rose scent.
Ouma is the Afrikaans word for Grandmother...

I love you so much, Ouma.
Ek is so baie lief vir jou, Ouma.
Elizabeth Burns
Written by
Elizabeth Burns  South Africa
(South Africa)   
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