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Jul 2016
Let it be known that every second of the day my heart was visibly displayed on my sleeve waiting for someone to fall in love with it
That I loved eating bowls of Oreos like they were cereal, and dark chocolate in the late hours of the night
That my addictions were makeup, music, coffee and clothes, and on occasion a really good ******* book
That at work everyone could hear my laugh and voice from across the store, even with metal doors sealed shut
That my love for John Mayer was, and will be, infinite
That even though I had no clue what the hell I was doing with my life I still wanted to do everything all at once, and wished there was some way we could all live to be 200 years old so even if we were old and wrinkly and going deaf we could still be a dancer, or an astronaut
Tell everyone how I love staying up late at night and reading juicy stories, and tales, but how I HATED mornings
That my favorite drink was iced coffee with extra soy milk and tons of cinnamon sprinkled on top, and how I could eat an entire chocolate lovers cake by myself and not feel guilty
Tell them that everyday I was hopeful to find my soul mate
I want you to tell them stories about me so everyone can laugh at the silly, and straight up dumb **** I use to do or say
Like the time I threw a rock in the air and it came crashing down on me and that my screams could raise the dead and how everyone thought a ******* bee stung me but I was really being a three year old and throwing rocks around
Tell them the time I lost 20 dollars in the second grade and was too shy to ask for help
Or the time when I was 2 years old and I broke the TV by spraying to much windex on it cause I was helping my mom clean
Tell them all the stories of the shenanigans I use to get into, but most importantly..
Tell them about the time I fell in love with a girl but was too afraid to say anything
Tell them I still think about my first love, and how everyday I wish to talk to him
Tell them about the time I stayed up late at night searching for ways to cure myself because I didn't want to be a disappointment
Tell them about how I stayed up one night praying I would be able to have children of my own, even if no one would love me
Tell them about all the times my heart was broken
or when I felt alone
or abandoned
or forgotten
Tell them that I loved my friends way more than the normal dosage of affection you should give your best friends, but they still loved it
And if all of this is meaningless and I die at a ripe old age let it be known that I lived every day, as If I were to die tomorrow
And if tomorrow were my last day let them know
I loved living life
Emilia Rose
Written by
Emilia Rose  Arizona
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