We can never touch again Because there is no room for love We try to pretend But it’s something we cannot rise above
We tried to do it We thought it was an adult situation But we’re really just kids We failed to understand emotion
I told you what I could offer But you deserve so much more You need a man who loves you Waiting is not what you asked for
My shadow is cast upon other men Who approach you with love in their eyes You silently loom inside all my decisions As other women wonder if I tell only lies
They want to know where I stand And I give them the honest truth It is no closer to love than I am with you But with you I recapture my youth
We close the door and enter our world We love each other madly Poison our bodies And then part sadly
You beg me to come back Not understanding how I forget You pleasure me as no other And yet I act as if we never met
But I do not forget I remember All too well In my tortured slumber
The vision of your eyes in my mind With tears of unknowing How can you give a man so much And endure his coming and going?
I cannot explain I cannot commit to you I cannot commit to anyone And yet you remain true
How can you believe in me? How can you see the future In a man who has no present And a heart that is never sure?
As the ***** beats the passion play That only you can hear I resist the urge Your pain is my fear
Can you understand That I hurt you today So that I won’t hurt you tomorrow It is uncertainty that lights my way
I keep turning pages In a book that I cannot put away The truth of our love hurts so much But I rip out the pages that betray
I don’t want to read it It’s about hurting a friend I wrote your love story But I don’t know how to write the end
Forgive my lack of courage I need to tell you goodbye I keep hoping you will do it first That way I won’t have to tell you why
I'm looking at the last page The one that won’t turn It is your turn to write Tell me if I should return