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Jun 2016
What is it like,
To forget a piece of you exists?  
My own I would never
Even though the other half of her
Is no longer my lover

Even when she's a woman grown
Never would I
Put my existence above her own
And maybe that's what separates
The mothers
From the seed used to sow

I'm forced by my mind
Sometimes to wonder
If you know
That my eyes glow
During conversation about passions
Like yours,  or so I'm told.

If you even cared to be
Aware of my feelings
I'd tell you
How happy I am for your
New found purpose
And the weight you carry of raising
My siblings.

But you don't.

And I suppose,
I'm forced to cope
With the pain of never knowing
Your true self

But I have found myself
And as a child,  transformed

I realize,
I don't need your love
To keep from hating the woman I've become.
Remy Luna
Written by
Remy Luna  24/F/Middle Earth
(24/F/Middle Earth)   
   Madeline Clow
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