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Jun 2016
Rejuvenating a heart thats is aching, a new path I'll be creating. Getting up, not letting the pain keep me down and isolated, **** other hatred, not going to intimidated by self infatuated num nuts that try to get me all irritated. There are different seasons we go through, nothing last forever, and I believe that you and I can get through this painful endeavour. Rising like the stars, strengthen our resolve, not going to run towards quick harmful solutions like drugs and alcohol. Keep on trudging even if you think your exhausted, you will never be alone, you will never be forgotten. Don't let the lie's circulate in your brain, pain is only temporary, don't end your life, there is a lot of positives to living, you just have to keep on getting through the pain writing terrain. If I fall your there for me, if you fall i'll be there for you, friends stick together no matter what each other may be going through. You shall have victory, just keep holding on, just keep going because life is a marathon. I know it seems like you never going to get a break, that your nothing but a mistake, that your not standing on very solid ground and that everything is beginning to quake. Just keep remembering and believing that the pain won't last, life is what you make it, just keep strong and I promise you'll have a blast. Day after day, some shine, some rain, I won't worry because I know in my heart that everything is going to be ok, even though at the moment there is some pain. Broken down, broken hearted, feeling like death, just concentrate and take a moment and take a breath. Strained and pluckt, drained out of positivity, trying to keep it together when your drenched in negativity. Open your mind, be limitless, don't hold onto stress, clear your mind don't over obsess. Pain won't last, time moves on, you are more than your predicament, love yourself, and keep being a phenomenon. wake up, rise up, see what you're made of, find true love, find your peace and fly into the sun above. Life can be a bit of a *****, because if it were a **** it would be easy, this is a journey man, it's bound to get more than a bit breezy. Turn around, 360 scope, don't look back, just keep on going, and if your in some rough waters, just keep on rowing. Like dory, you just got to keep on swimming, so what if you keep on missing your target, just keep on swinging. Pain won't last, do what you got to do, there is no need to slice your wrists dude. Pain won't last, your going to have that breakthrough, you just have to believe that you can break through that pexiglass.
Classy J
Written by
Classy J  22/M/Medicine Hat
(22/M/Medicine Hat)   
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