What are the odds? I watched her Plant her lips on his She was twirling around him It was like her affection Was the best compliment he could get. What were the odds? She's my sister. They wrote letters to each other For 13 years. When he finally got out She left her relationship As to join her true love. The one that she struggeled To love for 13 years. The one that she struggeled To hate for 13 years. I smile with joy in my heart As I watch his contentment As he finally wraps his arms around her And the smile and blush That appears on her face. Like it was the best compliment He could've given her.
They really made it Through everything Went to hell and back With each other And came out victorious.
I decided recently That maybe I'm better off alone Just for a while To sort myself out. The thought gave me Immediat and deep peace. Everything made sense again And in this moment As I watch you In each other's embrace I know for the first time That that's what I want for myself And it's worth the wait.