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Jun 2016
i'm not a gambler, you won't receive a gambler's 100%, the heart sways toward what is best represented as what the last man would have said, being the first man of tomorrow; i am neither, away from civilisation, i wish to remain the rest of my days, whether real on unreal, on the Føroyar Øer - my body might be tied to your gimmick... i am extinguished from such life on this plateau.

so much necessitates human innovation in technology,
and so little in poetry, among other
queues, well, because it doesn't sell,
and what's the point of that?!
America knows why,
it means affairs in AFGHANISTAN
as elsewhere to be... MONOCHROMATIC...
KENTUCKY... if that ain't the truth
then i'm moving to Mongolia and telling
you... no, wait... that's me being the past
9 years, and i've heard more from
Humpty-Dumpty than i heard from all
the "Robin Hood" tech giants releasing dough
to the poor... where's Ivan?! where's Putin!
i need those Igor Tsars to catch me a bear to eat!
i don't care whether Britain exits of remains
in the Euro Union, firstly the sterling
like the Swedish Krona, or the Polish ZŁOTY!
gram of gold... oh keep my women as ******,
i'll keep your spices as jokes from Paris worth of
perfumes, don't Matt me then... Hawaii Auschwitz,
greyish sunset boulevard, *i'm German! i'm German!

**** woudn't know, neither could he between
Kashmir, Bangladesh or India with shopping malls
in Mecca... big ben of the middle east, abraj al-bait -
**** bing ****... your sister had a beard,
send in the Americans to complete the joke...
oh we'll get along, like we always did -
we'll be just fine, delicatessens versus curry parlours,
ready PakiDonalds (PcDonalds) versus make-your-own stink...
oh right, Europe will survive, former British Empire
conquests conquering Europe with Syrians?
you sad *****, who wouldn't if only they did?
there's me hoping for a family,
there's me seeing *****-wipe presses of plum
and hiccups - the waving version of
sunglasses, and then i say: thank ****
i wasn't programmed to reproduce,
given the benefit of 8 billion, thinking of Solomon
reducing his harem to a thought of ants,
regretting praying for wisdom yet possessing
so much luxury that lead him to default his
prayer and only lead him to vote in democratic
affairs as queen Sheba warned.
Mateuš Conrad
Written by
Mateuš Conrad  36/M/Essex (England)
(36/M/Essex (England))   
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