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Jun 2016
I'm just so far gone, let loose on some nuns, loading 45's even though i never ever shot those guns. I tried to let go, I tried to set sail, if i die tonight, can't lie that i probably be in hell. All that prevails is flight, getting lost through the night. Disappearing, lurking through the darkness, man am I even human or am a just a heartless. Heart blacker than coal, I don't think i'll ever be able to turn it into a diamond, no body knows me but they sure as hell know Raymond. What am I even saying, I've just been taken away from the good life, but I'll keep on praying for some savings. I don't got no savings, just brainless, thinking i'll make it, controversy surrounds all the news and constantly getting peddled out on the printing press. Typing for money, writing for something that i'm not to sure about, lost and deserted walking until there is no more route for me to walk about. So i be screaming out, ****** i need help, trying to retain my health but i stick my roots in deep as if I were kelp. Bubbling, tumbling, wondering if it'll ever get better, but for right now man, i'm struggling. Fumbling, their is rumbling coming from my tummy, been stuck like jews in the desert looking for the land that is filled with milk and honey. I know your scarred, i'm scarred to, trying to figure out what i should do. Momentarily stunted as i try to climb this summit, just when i reach the top and everything seems to be great I start to plummet. Now i'm back in the valley trying to find that beautiful sun, but i'm lost, not knowing where to run. So gone, so numb, i swear at my self and say some ugly things at myself because i feel like some bottom feeding ****. Feeling so hopeless, tugging on strings, clinging onto hope, but somewhere along the way I must've let go of that rope. Can anybody hear me, can anybody see me through all the dreary murky debris. So gone, so much weight to bear that I couldn't add on anymore, i've just been used so much that in this very moment I feel like i'm a *****. So broken, so done, feeling as nimble as crumb, so fallen is this man that he doesn't know who he has become. Trying to overcome, as all this calamity as it engulf's me, I believe I can prevail and everything will be undone. I just have to keep on hoping, learning how to cope and so i get myself clean and stop all my pitiful sulking.
Classy J
Written by
Classy J  22/M/Medicine Hat
(22/M/Medicine Hat)   
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