your critique mimics the chills down my spinal chord. I've had an ache for weeks now- seems there's not enough stretching myself thin to rid of the pain in my neck now. your lips form lashes around my tongue and it seems I have acid sores encompassing my lips because everything you say to me is so toxic. Your mouth is a battery, you won't stop running it- seems it recharges itself. Seems I cannot throw it away- it would harm too many others.
Standing in front of you I feel weak, a version of myself I do not recognize. Seems I was never strong enough to stand up to you- so I backed down. Time and time again hiding how I feel for your benefit.
It's a shame whenever someone comes around I wince, afraid you will use your acid tongue to weather them down and form rust stains out of their smile. Most days, I clench my fists ready to be a shield in their wake. Most days, that's a mistake.
The high horse you build your house upon has grown higher- you built it that way. You look down at everything and bask in the glory of your accomplishments. The materialistic glow of your youth shines down upon my face- but you are not looking at me in awe. You do not consider me something worthy of your appreciation. It seems you think you owe it to yourself to be nothing less than egotistical, you grew yourself this way. Built it from the ground up so treat it as you wish.
Your way is the only value. My words are meek inside your muddy waters- your mindset is clouded again. I am the rain upon your parade.
Addiction runs in your blood without something you fall apart. All I ever wanted was for you to be better- you can never give me that. You give me a complex instead.
Read this back again, come back to it and realize that us women always marry our fathers. and I can't decide which this poem is about- I think it's my Father, but it could also be every man I have ever loved.
I'm still trying to find love in between the lines I write but I only find the past- the one where love didn't exist seems it's not enough anyway. I can't find love when you show it to my blindside you don't even care to move in the right direction. Let me get over- you.