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Jun 2016
9pm the prince guard arrived
He looking for the princess
But nobody was in the castle
The prince already move to th other castle
But the princess not following him
The prince guard confused with this things
He has command by the prince to protect her
But the princess wasn't in the castle

Next chapter

Her sister carry out the prince guard
The queen runaway because she doesnt want to get involved
Another sister said to the princess's step daughter
About what happen to her mother
She said "let give your mother some medals"
"lets make some dance ball and kingdom contest
Because your mother has already get nasty habbit
And no one can even stop her even your own father"

Is this looking like the end of their kingdom?
Is it will broke and she nver get her princ on her own?
Let see what happen in the next chapter
Cause the story has already began.
27th March, her prince guard came visited her nan's house.
llyraa Harawi Simprakay
Written by
llyraa Harawi Simprakay  SUB, Indonesia.
(SUB, Indonesia.)   
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