concerning an English lass... i rather 'ave a kebab than eat that **** to be honest: she's had more ****- than me -stani! well yeah, thank **** for that, i don't need gangrene on my mouth as necessary lipstick; i liked Queen and Freddy Mercury too! but that ain't the point!
shady concerns for East Europe by feminists concerned with prostitution are only subvert assertions of post-colonialism; one ***** doesn't mind another, write like a **** darling, you'll get anywhere - the ******* are from England or Corseted France, uptight *****, let's face it, real* "rebels", instead revellers of Ibiza, and nothing more, Brussel's toothpicks rather than chopsticks fidgeting over some other worthy capitol; i mean, who needs a chocolatier nation to govern us when we're all suddenly diabetic? turn my women into ****** i turn your men into ******* ****-users un-necessarily circumcised by the St. Paul's doctrine on his way to Damascus - because those retards should have, have your feminism's worth of **** to boot - index and thumb insignia on the Ire forehead: L: LOSER; cos' you are - fudge-pack those sheep off **** off the Dover cliffs and i'll won't ******* you silly with a Welsh tongue, ole V!