Her brilliant ocular orbs persist beyond the occasional glance averting my focus just after her curious stare brings a gentle smile, beckoning for our distance in the room's expanse to diminish perchance as her heartening gestures attempt to avert my stance from sessile. The magnetic pull of this inspiring scenery tugs me from my position each forced step resisted as I cross the floor towards this distraction, every warm, reassuring nod has filled my arsenal's ammunition and causes a craving to quell the disturbance that has forced my reaction. As her fingers delicately caress her soft lips I swiftly turn away she knows not the consequence that her simple mistakes would bring, I gather all my strength to fight the magnetic force enticing me to stay leaving this alluring siren with nothing but her song she sings.
Though drained of will I flee with a vivid memory of what will never be a siren so pure should stay near the shore and never reach the depths of sea.