Take me far away Let me forget what I love to remember; Take me to a path lead astray Let me feel the churning of dread and terror; Smash this gigantic heart to pieces Let the love I give be crumbled; Sew again those wretched faces Let yourself again be trampled;
I can't breathe
I can't breathe
Suffocate me with your gentle hands;
I can't sleep
I can't sleep
Label my nightmare with unusual brands;
I'm sick and tired of carrying this heart Too soft to ever not fall in love; I take things so hard that I fall apart Clip the wings off the pristine dove; Hiding my thoughts in letters and words Hiding my thoughts in lines and verses, Hiding my love though more than words Hiding my love through curses.
I can't feel
I can't feel
Wound myself to see if it better be;
I can't flee
I can't flee
**To see if it better be a cruel reality.
I want somebody to talk to but my head says otherwise