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Jun 2016
My body is young,
But my soul is not,
I'm trapped in a modern world,
But my heart longs for the past.

I see a world where things are done without technology,
I see a world where talking face to face is important,
I see a world where religion means more than going to church once a year,
I see a world where nature is more beautiful in person than through a screen,
I see a world where quiet is beautiful,
I see a world where I fit in with people that are older than me,
I see a world where music should be made and not bought,
I see a world where cursive is more elegant than a computer font,
I see a world where pictures are printed and hung up instead of shared through a device,
I see a world where letters are written to show that you care,
I see a world where people care more about others than about money,
I see a world where a deep conversation means more than laughing,
I see a world where making the right choices matters,
I see a world where I belong.

But i'm stuck,
I'm stuck in a place that is nothing like how I see the world.
I'm stuck in a generation that doesn't fit my heart.
I'm stuck in a school with people that have forgotten about morals.
I'm stuck in a world where the simple things in life no longer matter.
I'm stuck in a materialistic place.

Through my eyes, the world is falling apart at the seems,
But very few can see the damage,
My eyes have seen the simpler times of which I long for again,
But I'm trapped somewhere that I don't belong.
I'm an old soul living in a teenager's body.
Written by
RatherNotSay  20/F
       Emily R, Snehith Kumbla, Lauren Ehrler, ---, Jester and 4 others
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