it all started so innocently, a man sitting in a darkened garden, just prior, a thunderous calamity passed the skies - in the darkness he quickly surrendered himself to a mantra: wee wee wee vee vee vee wee wee wee vee vee vee wee wee wee vee vee vee wee wee weekly vee vee veering... ma ma ma na na na ma ma ma na na na ma ma maternity na na nativity.
upon noticing the many forms of the mouth, the serpent tongue, whenever used, and how, the collapse of the lips, or their opening - it started on the optical basis: why is *w named a double-u? optically speaking, the symbol w represents a double-v, after all, a cruder, easily chiselled-in symbol for a rock-face, nothing akin to the omega curvature, which does indeed look like a double-u (ω) - phonetically speaking, it has to be investigated looking at the pronunciation of every letter when governing a word alphabetically - for example, in using v, the central incisors touch the bottom lip ever to briefly, there is no use of teeth when *w" is spoken, although the lips create a ~pout (approximate of)...