I love to look good, auspicious they say Maybe it’s to hide how ugly it is I am inside Pretty devious indeed, so I always have one Or more broads by my side, never suspicious I am lustful, guess that is why I find My prey to be delicious Barely dressed yet heavily Musked by all sorts of fragrance Unaware of the malicious thoughts That run rampant in my head They say I have a twitch So I had to get it fixed But the charming ones love them a good story And the bold ones hate Mr. Perfect So "hear lies" my great defect My little itsy bitty secret I do not judge, yet still am a hypocrite So criticize if you must I shan’t protest, but I will guarantee None will detest for I am your lover And you hate how much you know me So you ignore the parts you dislike And cling to the façade I propose You want me to use you and discard you So a story you can share I want to use you to discard me Lose myself in the euphoria Hoping the slimmest chance That I find my first love and redemption If not then the cycle repeats And I take you over and over With or without your permission