7 hours of torrential rain driving slowly while insane 420 minutes of Country Music which you know I hate interspersed with idiosyncratic ads that make a mockery of others fate 84 cigarettes flow out of the ashtray one lit by the other as the miles faded away. The glaring orange tip as it burnt down to ash and died is the only reason I lit another thinking of you and my hope to keep you alive for just one more mile. Please be ok... Less than 1/3 of a day ago I picked up my phone only to hear several tears, and a small hiccup and heard a heart trying to be brave and I literally dropped my life to get into my car, which is now my home because I breathe the same breath as the life that is now mine to save All I said was I'm coming, now behave So after 7 hours of listening to how His and/or Her heart did someone wrong because I can't change the station because the radio is broken and, well I actually do like a heartbreaking song I'm almost there but thinking of you my heart lurched and my whole body ****** and the Cops where there, and I'm caught I would have been there sooner but apparently it takes longer to write a simple ticket when they want to be long winded about the horrors of speeding. I want to scream at them Look at my bleeding eyes Have you seen my ashtray? Can't you hear the garbage spewing from my radio? Don't you think all that adds up to I need to be on my way? So after 7 hours of torrential rain overflowing ashtrays and a $540 fine I'm next to you, in your bed as we lay under linen sheets and whisper to each other, about how heartbreaking Love can be and I'm relived to be here even as you repeat you are fine Sleep deprivation and a small stipend to the Law and Order that protects us is a small dividend to pay. And the Country Music still ringing in my ears? is pure torture but everything is a small price to pay when summoned by a friend in need All the horrors above are suffered gladly You call me, I heed You cry, I bleed Your champion in rusty armor? Indeed!