Clouds on Dreams To believe what we see is often a fallacy on a video a rat attacked a cat; the moggy scared ran away but was it so I think not video and pictures can be doctored so we are left with a sceptical mind Yet in the Sahara, I saw in the sky a ship sailing upside down I know what I saw yet it was a mirage so therefore I can talk about it without being made fun of like the day I saw a flying elephant it was slow and met a crocodile that loved me, of course, it was a mirage That is why I'm fearless telling you this; you will think mirages, was whisky involved? There mere suggestion will send me into a rage and I will never speak to you again. The cat ashamed, turned around and killed the rat, just in case you were curious. In the world, the strongest win just looks to Brazil and what the heck was I doing in the Sahara?