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Jan 2012
A morning in Hiroshima

In August of the year

I walk towards a tower

with battered walls and naked steel.

The dome is open to the sky

The walls have crumbled down

All else around had been laid waste

This was the zero ground.

In that river there were bodies

burned beyond recall.

Thousands dead around here

And scarce a standing wall

An involuntary Shiva

A chill creeps down my spine

One bomb destroyed this city

A monster born of mind..

We gather to remember-

The mayor says some words

Silence, a bell ringing,

sounds a warning to this world.
A ceremonial remembrance of the day a city died. this is a remembrance of the 50th anniversary of the bombing. Poem 2 in my Hiroshima related trilogy rescued from Poetfreak.
John F McCullagh
Written by
John F McCullagh  63/M/NY
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