How did I end up in this awful cell caged in like an animal! Diagnosed with a mental disorder sectioned and put in here. I had heard those voices in my head they were from the dead!
Always knowing that I could be a medium having messages relayed! But doctors had always said I was ill nobody listened to me. This was a gift since I was a child not suddenly becoming wild!
Dismissed this notion ignoring my plea's psychiatrist's made the decision. Drugged and humiliated in a hospital here I lay on the bed! How to show the diagnosis was false get out of this therapy course!
Surely friends and comrades may put it right prove it was a bad panic attack! How could they mistake my gift for an illness it took days to understand. That what I had been telling them was true the spirits guided me through!
In this world there is much we don't understand have an open mind and outstretched hand!
The Foureyed Poet.
Is there a link between those who are supposed to have mental illness and mediums? The Foureyed Poet