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Feb 2010
18 years.

And that day the sun and flowers resided in the same ***
Growing anxious to emit light and

But beautiful never compared to
The glow on your rosy cheeks
As the sunlight crept through windows
Desperately trying to kiss your
Porcelain skin with warmth.
And even in the cold brisk air of
The radiance and kindness of
Summer pulsed through your veins
Because you were born to
Dance in sunshine

Angels made sure of that.

As they built wings into your skin and
Kissed the top of your head
Leaving a halo from their lips.
Meticulously, they placed stars into your eyes
So when you blinked
Shooting stars would carry all your wishes in
Safe arms.

And from that first moment that you smiled
A unique breath of air formed
Reminding the world you have
More than time on your hands
And even after years of
Washing and scrubbing
Them clean
Strength will still be etched into
your lifelines
And every year
For 18 years
Steel has been molded against your spine
Making you stand taller
And stronger with
Each passing tick of a
Pocket watch

And although you run towards freedom,
Your feet are still safely rooted in
soft soil
Keeping you grounded and
Secure as you
Hold the blossom of all your wishes between
fingertips and reach your limbs
Up towards the sky
Absorbing light
into your bones

And when you exhale
Atoms of eternity
Will float up to heaven to
Hold hands with God,
Reminding Him He
Created his greatest work of art
18 years ago.

He’ll smile.

Adams rib has never been put to
Better use than
To birth you.

And for 18 years I’ve loved you
Even without knowing it,
Even before feeling your
Fingers match up with the spaces
Between mine

And for every year after
I’ll hold your hand
As you blow out the candles.
Copyright Feb. 7th, 2010
Written by
Stephanie Hayden
   a m a n d a
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