Disharmonious. It was all a clash of black and blue, for nonsense that intoxicated for agony that liberated and they all cried, "Stop!" in lament of the gunshots...
Contagious. Virulent sentiments of violent out-pour score to settle score danger lurking freely and they all cried, "More!" in lament of the gunshots.
Pandemonium. Tasting villainy masked as necessity they marched openly tongues oscillating ticking time-bombs explosions of chaos harbingers of bitter consequence too bitter to gag, but only to die, and they called, "Jesus!" in lament of the gunshots.
Silence. He wandered, through the empty streets of our souls departed where myriad tear meets the shaking martyr and he burns the world to start anew anguish and memory discarded, in lament of the dead.
Lament the loss of innocence, in partaking of evil without conscience for love.