Peoples advice of an upside down frown when your down although simple is better than nothing at all Passion playing ,positioning in places as opposition builds ,back against the rising wall learning self support to not fall Picking up pieces fitting advice for something scattered , not forgetting it originally had to be broken as in a brawl Taking in a tickle as a natural reaction helps to build karma for that future vibe,fresh feelings without the eight ball
Universal recognition, giggling baby's bringing down giants ,pole to pole taking on the same role ooze & awes provide a positive side, building simple smiling who knew it could get beguiling A little tickle producing a powerful giggle,then that obvious wiggle ,flowing on adding karma to our soul Ear to ear a description for a grin so devilish some might see it as a sin ,from sadness its appearance could be wiling
Many famous figures having made their impact with a burst of cheer ,forever deep seated not merely a veneer Smirk as a style not down like a frown, obviously not meant to defile ,gathering glee such an easy way to be Sending a signal now referred to as a selfie casually contains a twinkle ,keeping the attitude of hope is a positive way to steer Lifes later lessons of fate and all the weight come about naturally ,joy and jubilance quickly become a way to agree
Cosmopolitan candor without ever making a sound ,language of millions just awaiting a new reason to form a grin Relating to a pitter patter can be followed with a titter tatter, accepted cackles bring a pleasant response Many find frowns easier than submitting to a sly snicker ,faking their frivolity becomes more a challenge from within Language of laughter is at least fun to continue the practice ,never gaining perfection ,practice never perfect will not be known as harsh :) R.C.. :)