Sure are great when in dash for time ,never looking at tomorrow only now & what can be mine Figuring a normal 8hour shift wasn't enough to solve my rift,she won't understand but I wasn't explaining it anyway Barely knowing each other by more than first names just a smile to last awhile warming up to cool down will be fine Nothing fancy, is the only palace with the blinking lights outside ,just wanting 4 walls for privacy & a place to play.
Finding those familiar feelings ,but now a possibility of a new claim to stake if so what is the point you want to make Some never settle leaving that unknown sentiment to simmer on the back burner waiting on a more recent recipe Maybe going unnoticed then suddenly that wisp of hair raises with a smell or a smile or patterns of playing ,tempting us to take Almost subconscious as an unaware soul with only one role, reaching out ,connecting, passion as a quick play,simple ecstasy
Philandering is a term for couples while singles are left with a wide open book, the Marriage should have been the hook Some fancy friends with a means to their ends while others seem to stay content with a snuggle and a hug Passing people should be known as a natural motion, not trying to always connect with some deep emotion like a common Rook We enjoy our pleasure but control is not something we are born into ,having to be able to settle into grace not falling for a new crush
Embracing as habit a hard broken addiction ,while others are always wishing your feelings flow free Sitting back and watching or never really noticing were never in the way they play, constant fondness for the others is more their way Some hide and pretend to abide, while others just go full blown with the charm ,never realizing it wasn't about others just their own need Amazing the game often seen with no shame until it is played on them , placing the next step becomes more precarious when they are not sure where they can safely stay ............R.C.