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May 2016
Was it enough to finally realize we may have something else internal to maintain our gears
  Helping to steer ,guide us into upcoming years,resting in neutral becoming one with us
not bases for structures even known as surreal  ,awaiting it's voice ,patiently waiting through out fears
Once known ,not to be seen as helpless ,learning and living as it is, we go on, played forward ,not to deep to  discuss

Wearing  internal things outward is not  the norm for most ,possibly never knowing we were able to carry the weight
As a ghost is it supposed to remain anonymous in it's role? maybe continually adding more memories to it's inventory
When we find pure pleasure it should be locked in as a true treasure ,as motions move along ,still an unknown fate
Internal psyche united with the face others have come to know ,will we need to come as one to complete a true story

Reception of the perception of what role that  surreptitious character may come to presume vary widely
Taken on like a surety bond  but never questioned ,assumptions made , daily bliss given a free pass
Would we open our mind ,the learning of life to be scrutinized by the unknown scholars to be challenged blindly
Broken barriers as an internal quest is now known as me and my guest ,understand the role no longer second class

Appeasement of a mindless game has now taken on a new role thinking that wrinkle will now become smooth ........:)
Generations build upon undisclosed wisdom of previous experiences ,yet we all just feel somehow bonded
Archaic images ,angels as partners in our lives passions ,religious zealots pushing entitled dispositions ,leaving the individual to deduce
Always speaking of seeking some obvious truth or blindly obeying as a standardized goal how often do we check if the individual has expanded. ........................Rick
Often more prose than poetry,not trying to win a contest but to save a thought or fill a gap of memory before it was lost again to deja vus. Rick
Written by
wichitarick  wichita Kansas
(wichita Kansas)   
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