You see the prejudice runs deeper than just racism or sexism the problem is this "us and them" mentality the problem is separatism when you separate people from all the prejudices all you see are a bunch of humans there is no "us and them" we are supposed to be one nation united instead we are one nation divided too focused on outward appearances not focused enough on what everyone is actually made up of guts if you boil down to it everyone can be summed up into a skin sack full of guts too focused on location that we decide that some people don't deserve help because they aren't "one of us" so focused on our differences that we miss the similarities so focused on what offends us caught up in our own prosperity when it all boils down to it we're all composed of the same stuff just in different combinations all simply human across the many nations every single one of us is a warrior of our own personal battles we feel the need to shake up other's lives as if they were rattles why have we become a culture so poisonous quick to strike anyone who doesn't agree with us kindness has become a rarity most of us would rather please ourselves than give to any charity I'm not saying that i'm not guilty i'm just saying that we all need to try a little harder to smile at passing strangers to pass a little kindness because it's become endangered.