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May 2016
Have I been forgotten?
Erased from your mind,
Because of this single obstacle?
I know you see my writings.
I know you know what they mean.
Do your eyes glide past them,
To avoid the words written there?
Do you not want to finish our story?
Is it coming to an end,
Here? After we've tried so hard...
An end without an ending?
Are you walking away,
The leading role,
During intermission?
Am I supoosed to dazzle the audiences myself?
A story with a single insane character is bound to be a disaster.
So instead I'll sit,
In the middle of the stage,
Back to the audience,
A notebook in one hand,
Knife in the other.
#You #SaySomething #GiveMeaSign #Forgotten
Written by
Wordfreak  23/M/Denver, CO
(23/M/Denver, CO)   
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