I've alway envied those who have artistic talents. I can't draw or paint for the life of me. But I find it so very beautiful and I admire it heatedly. I yearn to be able to make masterpieces so emotion invoking that people weep at their knees. I want to learn what words they whispers to the colours that make them transform into life . & In which ways do they caress the page so that every passionate stroke is felt by me when I see it. One time I looked at a painting so captivating I swear I saw God where the colours collided together. And all I could do was laugh. Because it also looked like myself. And everyone else. And it showed me something I had never seen before. In all the colours and shapes and lines, coming together to form a beautiful masterpiece. Every human being a contributing piece. I saw it all in it's entirety. &Ala;; I may never know the rich & deep pleasures of being an artist. But I can be the artist of my own life. I can manifest a life so colourful & beautiful that people might ask me for a little piece of it. So that they can bring it home and hang it on their walls. To inspire them to be creative & to reach for the paint too.