I used to fear that one day I would run out of words. That I would put pen to paper and spill expired honey too sticky to lift, But now I know there's still a thousand ways to say your name I know S can be a silk bridge like Lala salama or bright like sunrise or asante So today when I say babe Let your ear convince your heart that it is not broken I have tried and failed a thousand times to write a poem about butterflies, french fries and you But if the past year has taught me anything it's that relationships cannot just float on two lungs sacrificing oxygen for a kiss And no matter how much you fit between my ribs I still have to rip open my skin to let you in So I don't promise butterflies anymore, but I promise to give you the universe, with all the good and bad that comes with it And if I cannot be there know that I will always be here, so don't be afraid to fall I trust the earth to spin fast enough to send me your way every so often Let me be your wave and you will be the rocky shore, tempting sea levels like me to rise. Let me hide my fears in the space between your eyelashes and watch you blink beautiful. So as you watch me stumble in the dark searching for where the tunnel starts, having faith that I will remain the boy of your dreams and become the man of your prayers. Know that I remember all the places I buried my smile and all the times you've gone grave robbing.