Life is short; I've given myself ample space, to ponder about such a thing
It's short in the way one's favorite song is short,--
Why end a sweet, and delicate tune so soon?
Nothing's a matter, it's foolish to think otherwise;
Of course, bills must be paid, their skeletons stored in metal cabinets that clink and rattle far away in some man's office we never see but he gets paid, and that's enough
What of those out in the streets, their characters found in books, their inner voices guide us through page after page, and what do we learn then?
Life, you've alluded every clever mind, and Purpose, you've slipped through every hand that's tried so desperately to grasp you
How silly we look under the stars of a Mid-December evening; it's cold, and the lightning bugs are in full bloom;
and so we chase them until our hearts fall back into our chests like water into wooden buckets
Life is indeed, short;
we retire as do most things of nature retire, and become one with the earth;
the marble markings our loved ones leave after we're gone, remind us