We are the creatures of the night no tears for us as we soar taking on such glorious heights up through trees, up through the invisible threads between stars in silvery wefts I will bring home the nourishment to my little ones nestled in their warm nesty twiggy holes safe curled in lairs we are the protectors of the light that starts in darkness and arcs like a flare we ride alone but when we give we yield completely in full thrusts and curlicues, glow-in-the dark patterns as leaves cascade and comets fall around the shadows then, in the morning's first sun peeking I land and find that peace a kind of proximity to that love I'm seeking
Inspiration enhanced by listening to: No Tears by Tuxedo Moon (remix by .adult) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ohdRZ280LUE and Proximity: the Vile Electrodes