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May 2016
In high school we learn about many things
The quadratic formula is -b +/- the square root of b^2- 4ac all over 2a
The monomer of a protein is amino acid after amino acid and so on
But what we dont learn in school is the average amount of American Veterans that are out on the street, homeless.
What we dont learn is the percentage of children and young adults who commit suicide because of bullying
There are certain things thats appropriate for school and things that aren't
For example, talking about the four different chambers to a heart doesn't explain why mine feels empty
Doesn't explain why 30% of students consider suicide at least once in their life
It doesn't tell me why little billy or Kate felt the need to end their life because they didn't feel like theirs was worth living.
We dont learn about children in need because we are taught that learning parabolas is more important.
School is more important than living a healthy life.
In school you cant talk about real life stuff like **** or depression. Girls are taught that they're *** objects who need to control what they wear instead of guys being taught that they should respect us.
Schools avoid teaching kids good morals and instead teach them how to follow everyones rules.
They take creativity out of children and give anxiety right back. They bend and twist us into how they want us to be and if we dont bend.. Theirs something wrong with us. Or theres something wrong with our parents because god forbid theres something wrong with the school system in america.
Maybe suicide rates wouldnt be so high if schools would see students as what they are.. Human beings
Not robots
Not something you can mold into whatever you want
They say if you tell a monkey and a fish to climb a tree, the fish will always sit there and wonder whats wrong with it
Because its told that if you cant do what everyone else can than whats the point?
What are you good for?
Whats your purpose if you cant do what we tell you to do?  
Why are you here!?

But of course we don't talk about this in school
Its not school appropriate.
It's still in a little work but so far this is it XD enjoy
Written by
DemonHunter1967  17
     gray rain and Thomas
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