I WAS! DESIGNED! IN CALIFORNIA! MANUFACTURED IN CHINA! I WAS! DESIGNED IN CALIFORNIA! MANUFACTURED IN CHINA... that's all the U.S.A. seems to be, an advertising conglomerate, oink oink it's like three blind men and Donald Trump: one touched his egoistic ******* impression and said it was the Mississippi mud-hole Riviera, another touched his overweight cheeks and started to chuckle while calling ******* a bulldog salivating with the cheeks choke on chuckles you chimpanzee: chuck chuck, whatever onomatopoeia five cents spare... and the last blind mind touched the over-comb quiff... and he said: by god! the wind hairstyling grass! while the Russians sold off Alaska historically, and are selling bits of ****-hole Siberia bit by bit to the Chinese, evolutionary implementation of Pan-Eskimo... you need eyes like slits akin with excess camel eye-lashes to survive the cold... like i told you, Russia will end up shrinking into a border enclosure limited to starting between Belarus (the ******* Tsarist **** bags) the Baltic states and Ukraine and ending at the Urals.