Oh, so this is what you look like under all that skin, baby You are holding back enough to never feel a win After you begin to bend, you can’t hold it within You begin to branch out All you want is out She begins to sprout like a sapling Barely holding on to life Begging to not hold on to the pasts’ strife Almost like a knife barely hitting the skin It’s nowhere to be found now, But it still leaves a scar She holds on to her prayers Holding back almost every word Tears escape from her sockets She fears him But loves him She always lived by his traditions She knows better She knows he will never prevail She keeps getting trapped in his webs Almost like a sick addiction She has to get out Before he takes all she has left Her soul is drifting away She must hold on To the untold stories of her shower She must let go of his lust She knows he is unjust She just let go She is going through a transformation To be reincarnated into something more Than a piece to his master puzzle