I stare up at the ceiling, cracked for I am not myself surrounded by broken promises, pity and empty wealth
the perverse constants throughout my narcissistic days, I awake every morning to an alcoholic drug fuelled haze
sleep deprivation my volatile Jesus licking my wounds, ignorant to my prayers, I express my shattered soul to millions, only for it to fall on ignorant ears that don't care
stitched up eyes, stitched up pride sensibility running away to forever hide capitalising on pain, that contagious emotion an obsessive by-product of loves caustic devotion
f-falling for all the pretty ones injecting sultry thoughts in my sick brain //-/-
f-falling for all the pretty ones dragging me through acidic pools of disdain //-
Most personally known as COMPULSIVELOVER-ITIS!
It sticks like spit, kills my sleep something I don't want but really need to keep
and the desperation will make you a million but also burn you inside out -
stuck in this loop of blackening silence it's a revolution of the broken heart so let's scream, let's SHOUT!!!