I told my first lie at the age of 5 I told the grocery store cashier that I was 4 years old My mother called me on my bluff, but she did not realize that this was more than a cute slip up The only truth in that was that I was terrified of growing up I longed to find my way to Neverland I've been lost ever since Searching, for the answer I have come close, a few times 17 years into my hunt, I saw both the earth and sky in his green and blue eyes The fountain of youth flowed through his lips The second star was right in front of me, shining from his gold strands of hair Inhaling sweet smoke, we were high enough to fly away Or so I thought I forgot the pixie dust, and also forgot about Neverland Instead I yearned for the future with him
When he left, time stopped I did not age, and the world around me was frozen I started praying to the stars that they would one day let me join them I have stopped trying to fly because you keep me grounded I do not want to go away to a world without your voice Please, sing your future into my present Paint me in pixie dust Let me feel your magic Tell me about what fears follow you like a shadow I wished to the second star, and the third star and the fourth star until you found your way to me Just don't go back to Neverland, please That is to say, if you let me go now, I will not ever return