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Apr 2016
I've been in my head all day
racking my brains for some answers
all I could find up there was your voice.
Just like it's burned into my inner monologue
almost as indefinitely as the sound of my own.

It is not so much words I hear but sounds that rumble and shoot right through me
just like when you say good morning.

It is burned into the back of brain
along with the sound of our lips parting and your steady breaths when you sleep next to me.

My mind has you on it
even when I am not consciously dreaming you into my morning routine,  and drinking you up like my cup of tea,
for you're hot to the touch but you go down so easy.
You too, make my throat burn a little less.

You are sitting in a corner of my headspace,
quietly listening to your favorite songs on repeat
watching my brain waves rise and fall like seawater.

My mind is like an ocean,
and you are the only one brave enough to swim it.
Tell me how tall the waves were,
and how strong you had to stay to keep from drowning.

I never meant to toss you around in my turbulence
but there is no stopping that which can not be calmed.
One day you said "I love you" & my waters were still.
You realized that all along you could touch the ground if you stood up straight.

I think that is when you realized, you had no reason to fear me.
I think that is when you realized, the only person who could drown you, is yourself.

And when you said that out loud, your voice got into my head, and I can't get it out.
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