Shaking whirlpools from strong spirit Why read into a line a limit Tonight was utterly ******* magical And ain't nobody out there that can take that from me.
I'm a paranoid ******* I know that about myself.
But all that ******* ******* aside Tonight, I drug myself out of the house Grabbed a bottle of red wine (I just realized I left it on the couch) **** $9 gone. But what a nice little present To whoever stumbles upon it We entered the inside of a fake galaxy My partner in crime for the night, he handed me A mini jug full of the sweetest most subtley dangerous Long Island Iced Tea "You gotta name this!" We sipped and drank it up like fairy juice Lost in the maze of an artistic space My mind wraps and twists around new concepts, ideas I jump on board to more projects than I could ever fathom I'm truly the busiest I've ever been And its cool.
We climbed into a treehouse like apartment A fake proscenium in the backyard I spotted a handsome man at the fire I made it my quiet mission for him to notice me We talked of law school My father. My brothers He has 4 sisters He lives in Colorado and is just visiting But in those singular moments We spoke with sass, intellect, articulate words But he returns to Colorado tomorrow night I didn't give him my card But we both wore a mustard yellow Glimmering fireside smiles While my girlfriends ask me how my love life is And I cannot waver, cannot settle, they don't really want me to either I just can't Not now.
My face I feel it coating with exhaustion My body constantly fighting against me But I brought myself home early tonight Because it felt good and like the right thing to do.
Life is beautiful And its hard But I'm gonna keep hustling And I don't care if no one gets it.