parental idealism and information sought bucking the family traditions or embracing long-held values our first break from individualism is being born into a pre-existing structure.. well-defined gender lines and sublime reminders of the familial crest through dinnertime blessings and dressing in your Sunday best.. t ’is a tie, we find seeking the second in line winding through the mind of the bound concubine eternally enslaved for simply misbehaving the charade (long A) displays a case for race mixing and fixing the broken capitalist system as either the church of choice or privately funded institutions publically traded on wall street take the reins and betray a nation by infecting the most manipulation-able citizens and treating them with poisonous nutrients and filling open and willing minds with lies about Jesus and George Washington brain-washing them embalming them condemning them to slow death…. before considering bringing another human into this system re-examine everything you have been told